
Is Vitamin C Worth It?

Is Vitamin C Worth It?

Hey Skin People, is Vitamin C worth it? Well the simple answer is YES! There are endless products on the market for our skin and the choices can be overwhelming but products we consistently recommend for our clients are ones that contain Vitamin C. Why? Because of the super POW results that this antioxidant can deliver for your skin!   We all know to reach for the Vitamin C when we’re under the weather for an immune system boost, but by adding it to your daily diet and skin care routine, it can lighten and brighten the skin by evening out your skin tone and because Vitamin C is an essential component in the body’s production of collagen, it also diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by tightening the skin. And let’s be honest, as we age we will take ALL of the help we can get with that!

In fact, a study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 4,000 women aged 40-74 showed “a lower likelihood of a wrinkled appearance, dryness of the skin, and a better skin-aging appearance” with higher daily vitamin C habits. High five for less wrinkles, THANK YOU Vitamin C!

How can one Vitamin do all this? Well, one of the biggest issues we face with our skin and aging is combating free radicals that can damage our cells. Free radicals are unstable particles because they have unpaired electrons and during oxidation these nasty free radicals literally steal electrons from our healthy beautiful cells (seriously, how annoying is that? Stop stealing my youth free radicals!) causing those cells damage that can lead them to function abnormally or even die. Antioxidants like Vitamin C help because they provide the electron the free radicals need leaving our healthy cells in tact. Pretty cool right?

So now that you’re on board with the benefits of Vitamin C, you may be thinking “great, I’ll just make sure I’m taking my daily multi-vitamin or drinking Emergen-c” but to really see super duper results you should be getting Vitamin C through your diet & your skin care products. This one-two punch of Vitamin C from inside and out will truly show you the long-term benefits for your skin! And stocking up on Vitamin C in your diet doesn’t mean just eating more oranges either, these foods are also packed with antioxidant goodness so toss them in your grocery cart and get on your way to bright, beautiful skin:

  • Bell Peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Tomatoes
  • Apricots
  • Spinach
  • Mangoes

And for even better news, Vitamin C applied topically is 20 times more effective than even eating it and using Vitamin C daily for three days can achieve optimal levels in the skin. Once topical Vitamin C is absorbed in the skin it cannot be washed or rubbed off. That means even after you stop using it, there will still be a ton of it that will remain in your skin for three days after. It doesn’t wash off because our skin drinks it right up, bottoms up skin!

So next time you’re in the spa be sure to check out our products like our Light and Tight Renewal Skin Care Powder that is pure Vitamin C, the KPS Renu C+ Serum and the iS CLINICAL Super Serum and Pro-heal Serum which are all packed with Vitamin C!

And remember, keep your cocktails tall, add some Vitamin C, and keep your pores small! – Angela


Stress in America


Seriously? yes!

… and research shows chronic stress is a causative factor for conditions including depression, anxiety, insomnia, digestive disorders, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and an overall decrease in immune function.
In “Stress in America 2014,” a survey by the American Psychology Association, 1 in 5 respondents reported an extreme level of 8, 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale. In that same group, respondents reported physical or non-physical symptoms of stress, including irritability or anger, muscle tension or pain, fatigue, feeling overwhelmed or changes in their sleep.
What is the top source of stress according to 64% of the respondents? Money! So with April’s tax day approaching it’s a good time to find ways to cope with stress.
How does acupuncture help? Acupuncture helps by reducing the stress hormone response, improving quality of sleep, eliminating pain and muscle tension and keeping our energy up and emotions balanced. Balance is the key to health in Chinese medicine!

From a Western viewpoint, the balancing treatments of acupuncture reduce stress a few different ways. First, acupuncture triggers your brain to release natural pain-killing chemicals, called endorphins. It also improves your circulation, not only to keep your tissues oxygenated but to help remove waste products, including cortisol, more efficiently. And of course, the relaxing effects of acupuncture can decrease heart rate and lowers blood pressure.


6 Tips for Coping with Financial Stress

    1. Take breaks from the computer when doing bookkeeping. Computer work is hard on your neck, shoulders and upper back. Get up every 45 minutes to walk around and stretch. Take deep breaths. Keeping your body relaxed helps your emotions stay level.
    2. Take charge of your finances. Track your earnings and spending every day for a month. When you have a clear picture of your income and expenses make a reasonable spending plan to keep them balanced. Don’t budget on what you hope you’ll make or wish you’ll spend. Be realistic. Having a budget will give you control and reduce your financial stress.
    3. Plan your splurges. It’s difficult to stick with a financial plan if it is overly restrictive and deprives you of what you love. Budget in treats.

Balance making more with spending less. Sometimes taking extra shifts at work is smart and sometimes spending less is the best plan. Make conscious choices about which strategy gives you the most pleasure.

  • Plan your shopping trips to avoid impulse buys. Stick to a list and make sure you are fed, hydrated and relaxed before you go.
  • Find support. A friendly ear for feedback when you’re tempted to blow your budget.

Even though few people celebrate Tax Day, it doesn’t have to be stressful. Call and book a free consultation to find out how acupuncture can help you through the difficult times.

Stay Well —Vikki


Allergies and Accupuncture

Allergies and Traditional Chinese Medicine

With the official start of spring just weeks away, there’s no better time than now to consider using popular forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). As mother nature comes out of its state of dormancy, flowers and trees will begin to blossom and the snow-capped landscape will be replaced with flowing green grass. This massive change comes with an unwelcome side effect: ALLERGIES!

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), approximately 50 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies. When exposed to pollen or other plant allergens, the individual may develop a runny nose, nasal congestion, eye redness, headache, sore throat, and other related symptoms.

Whether you suffer from mild, moderate or severe seasonal allergies, acupuncture can help. This centuries-old technique can restore your body’s flow of energy while stimulating its self-healing mechanism.

The best time to come in for treatment of allergies is before they start. Getting the immune system in shape is key before it’s bombarded by these allergens. So the time is now! Shake off those winter blues and get ready for SPRING!

Interested but not sure if this is right for you? Book a free consultation to talk one-on-one with me and see how acupuncture can help you.

Stay well — Vikki



Nourish Medical logo no outline

Would you like to have a body lotion that moisturizes and nourishes your skin but doesn’t contain all the chemicals that put harmful toxins into your body?  Well, we have good news for you!

We are pleased to introduce Nourish Hand & Body Lotion, a lightweight moisturizer perfect for daily rejuvenation, replacing dry damaged skin with a youthful radiance.  This antioxidant rich formula uses a synergistic blend of vitamins and intense hydrators leaving the skin feeling velvety soft and refreshed, without feeling greasy!

Nourish Hand and Body Lotion is packed full of vitamins, beneficial extracts and essential oils.

Some of these essential oils and their known uses are listed below:

Chamomile – Very calming

Lavender Oil – calming, helps with skin regeneration, sunspots and scarring, great for mature skin and all skin types

Geranium Oil – known to regulate oil production, reduce acne breakouts, tightens skin by improving elasticity, reduce appearance of wrinkles, improve circulation, heal bruises and many other skin conditions.

Petitgrain –  used to tone and purify the skin, is beneficial for skin and hair health, also used aromatically to mentally refresh and balance, has been used to treat excessive perspiration and oily skin and hair.

Ylang Ylang – helps control oil production and minimize breakouts, helps regenerate skin cells, smoothes fine line and improves skin elasticity.  Great for all skin types.

Helichrysum – Great anti-aging treatment, helps to reduce wrinkles and scars, breaking up fibrotic and necrotic tissue, can also
help stop bruising.


2Nourish Medical Body cream label back


Combat dry skin

Combat dry skin this winter so it stays hydrated to keep its soft supple form.

Once we turn on the heat to keep warm it instantly starts to suck the moisture we love so much out of our skin and the air. Any form of heat will do this. Dry skin not only looks dull but can cause premature aging causing fines lines, wrinkles and also damage the texture of the skin on the face and body.  If you are experiencing dry skin this winter seek professional help as to which products would be best for your skin condition. Here at Renewal Skin Spa our professionals give valuable advice on a daily basis with great results.

Here are a few ways to help your skin;
  1.  Keep temperatures you can control to about 68-70 degrees at the max. Lower is better but we know it is hard in the harsh winters we experience in Michigan so 68-70 degrees is a good start. Once our bodies adapt to the cold we are able to lower the thermostats by 1 degree weekly until you reach a home temperature of 65-67 degrees. This should be a good start.
  2. Steamy hot showers are loved by all in winter but can be damaging to the skin when they are on a consistent basis. Take warm showers which also helps us unwind when an occasional steamy hot shower is in order.
  3.  Always apply a moisturizer to the body after a shower and before bed. This will help hydrate the body and lock in much needed body moisture. Our new Nourish Medical® Hand and Body cream has given great success to patients and everyone that has tried it just absolutely love its. Mentions this blog for 20% off our Nourish Medical® Hand and Body Cream during December 2014.
  4.  Using a moisturizer which worked great for us in the summer months may not be sufficient in the winter months. A cream based moisturizer in much needed for most skin in the winter months. If you need advice on which would be appropriate for your face and or body give us a call or stop in so we may guide you towards a peak performing product which would be suitable for your unique skin.
  5.  Drink plenty of water. Not only is this important for our skin but also our health. Substitute the extra soda or coffee for a glass of water to help achieve a daily minimum consumption of 8 glasses of water; your body will thank you.
  6.  Wear SPF and topical vitamin C with antioxidants daily. SPF is not only for the summer months. Apply SPF to all exposed areas of the body. Reapply if necessary. Contact us for a SPF tutorial.
  7.  Turn on a humidifier. At the very least keep them in the areas of your home you spend the most time.
  8.  Now for those hands. It is key to wear gloves when going outdoors. Wear a moisturizer that works. It is key to put on a moisturizer at night before bed to allow it to hydrate the skin and lock in key moisture. During the day we wash our hands which can cause further drying so before you go to bed it is imperative to hydrate our hands to allow the product to replenish the skin throughout the night hours.

For more valuable tips contact us for a complimentary consultation so one of our experts may further assist you with questions and guide you on your skin.