Microneedling at Renewal Skin Spa
Our providers use the latest advancement in Micro-needling to improve skin on the face, neck, body and even the scalp. There is very little risk for side effects and virtually no downtime following treatment. Our Micro-needling is safe for all skin types. Renewal Skin Spa is proud to be the first to offer this new treatment at our office in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
With little to no downtime, Micro-needling with our devices can achieve long-lasting improvements for a number of issues, including:
Renewal Skin Spa enhances the benefits of micro-needling with an infusion of a proprietary serum containing powerful growth factors including stem cell derivative cytokines, TGF beta-3, IGF-1, and anti-inflammatory age fighters. This advanced serum cocktail accelerates skin cell renewal for more timely, noticeable results than micro-needling alone.
With this breakthrough in technology, Renewal Skin Spa is able to deliver a precision treatment offering cleaner channels along with precise depths for a better micro-channeling treatment. With microchanneling, the needles are placed perpendicular into the skin resulting in little to no wear on the needles. This provides a consistent treatment with less discomfort compared to traditional microneedling or rollers.

Scalp Microneedling
For thinning Hair, Hair Loss Patches, Receding Hairline
We are all born with about 100,000 hair follicles which start as single follicles and double and triple over time to give hair it’s thickness. As we get older, that reverses back to single follicles, so hair grows in thinner with age.
Other reasons for thinning hair:
- Genes = Family hair patterns
- Menopause = Estrogen hormone is essential for protecting hair loss
- After Pregnancy = Shift in hormones, can cause hair to go from a growing state to a resting state, once hormone levels regulate, hair will return to normal
- Vitamins = in excess, vitamin A can effect hair growth, on the contrary, a lack of B vitamins and a lack of iron will cause hair to thin
- Weight Loss= fast weight loss (i.e., 25 pounds in a month) can cause trauma to hair
- Auto- Immune Disorders= Thyroid and Alopecia Areata (hairloss patches)
- Alopecia Totalis and Universalis conditions are not candidates for the stem cell micro needling
- Stress = when the body is stressed an uneven number of hairs transfer to the resting stage, which occurs before hair falls out
- Damaged Stem Cell Follicles= The more damage to the stem cell of a hair follicle, the more likely the the stem cell will turn into skin, causing the hair follicle to shrink
Scalp Microneedling works using a growth stem cell serum penetrating “micro channels” in the area created from the 50 gauge needle specifically designed for this treatment. Treatments are done a month apart with an inital 6 sessions. Noticeable Hair Growth appears 3-6 months after the treatments begin. The series may be repeated to desired results for further stimulation of hair follicles.
Questions? We have answers.
If you’re considering Microneedling, please schedule a free consultation by calling us at Renewal Skin Spa: 616-940-1177 or click to contact us.